Frankly, the autumnal season is my absolute favorite. The color palette is beautiful and varied, and for the Northern Hemisphere (where this humble Editor-in-Chief resides), it also means SWEATER WEATHER!
The Alte Senteniam moves to Weebly with a new layout
Changes are in the air! While I still adore the layout from the previous volume, it was high time for an update, and this time, we're back to a more comment-friendly place. The Alte has now moved! For a time.
Because things are still bound to change, please note that the URL ( is only TEMPORARY. It is my hope that I will be able to connect this site to our old domain ( In any case, there are still many works in progress in terms of the layout itself, and if you have any kinks you want to point out, please do so by shooting us an email or contacting us via form below! |
This Issue in the Alte: